Historic challenge and a strategic investment for Cyprus
The Republic of Cyprus undertakes for the first time since the days of membership, chairmanship of the Council of the European Union from 1/7/2012 until 31/12/2012.
This is a unique historic opportunity, a challenge and an important strategic investment for our country.
Constitutes a historic opportunity because Cyprus as a presiding country will have the opportunity to develop, in cooperation with the EU institutions, the decisions taken by the Union and concern to all European citizens. It will have the opportunity to present their own priorities, political and social visions, ideas and initiatives for the future and the further strengthening of the united Europe, thus strengthening its presence in the heart of European integration.
A challenge because, for the first time in history, Cyprus will have the ability to be, institutionally and practically, at the helm of the EU for an entire semester of 1/7/2012. With the ability, but also the obligation to be a good skipper, in which all Member States have entrusted the fate of the route for a semester.
The decisions taken at that time, the mediation and the particular life of the Cypriot presidency will have their own special contribution to the key color of everyday life and affairs of all European citizens. Our ambition is to work this project be evaluated positively by all and is credited to our country as an important contribution to fulfilling the objectives of EU.
Constitutes a strategic investment because, precisely, the interest of the whole enterprise, is not only the fact that we can and should try for a better Europe, but the fact that we are offered a unique opportunity to leave an indelible mark on our country holding the presidency in important decisions that will determine the future of EU and which will be the most critical, perhaps, a period of European history amid global economic crisis afflicting everyone and puts to the test both the future of European integration as a political institution, but also the future of the Eurozone as an economic reality.
Simultaneously, it will be a challenge and an opportunity for strategic investment at the state machine, which is conducting the work for the successful pursuit of the presidency, paving the way for modernization and reorganization of structures of public service to benefit the state and society in all areas.
In practice, the successful pursuit of the presidency of the EU Titanium is a project of national importance, which requires cooperation and consensus of all political forces and productive place. Above all, a successful presidency requires the active participation and consciousness of citizens, as part of the wider European scene. This is because the reference period (01.07.2012 to 12.31.2012) have increased obligations to the other European partners.
The European Union Council and chair
The EU Council or Council of Ministers or Council, as it is better known, is responsible jointly with the European Parliament for the adoption of European legislation, the adoption of the EU budget, the coordination of general economic policies of countries - members and fixing and implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (K.E.P.P.A.) EU
At each Council meeting each Member - State is represented by a minister responsible for the policy area is on the agenda. The Council operates in 10 different configurations.Preside at all meetings - and depending on the composition - responsible Minister of the country holding the rotating presidency, with the exception of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon Synthesis of Foreign Relations chaired by the High Representative for Foreign Policy .
The Presidency of the EU Council rotates each Member - State for a period of six months, according to a predetermined order. Three successive presidencies are a trio presidency, which works for a period of 18 months, based on a joint program, thereby ensuring the necessary continuity in the work of the EU The countries co-chairing the EU Council during the eighteen month period beginning on 1/7/2011 and will end on 31/12/2012 are in order by Poland, Denmark and Cyprus.
These countries hold the presidency and set the agenda for meetings of Ministers of the Member - States and the various Council working groups, aiming at the smooth functioning of EU institutions, to promote decision making in different policy areas and ensuring consensus among Member States. Collaborate also closely with the committee's legislative initiative, but also with the European Parliament is now a host of issues as co-legislator. It is therefore crucial to negotiations with the European Parliament, conducted by the Presidency on behalf of the Council, leading to solutions and agreements for adoption of legislation that are before them.
Cyprus, as the presiding country, will have the opportunity to develop, in cooperation with the EU institutions, the decisions taken by the Union concerning the millions of Europeans.
The vision of the Cypriot presidency is a "better Europe", which reflected the key objectives of: improving the effectiveness of policies and resources of the EU and strengthen solidarity within the Union.
During his presidency, Cyprus will have to manage very important issues concerning the EU, as the consequences of economic crisis, the completion of negotiations on the multiannual Financial Framework, integration of the European Asylum System, as and an integrated maritime policy, but the emphasis in South Neighborhood and Mediterranean dimension.
The centerpiece of the Cyprus EU Presidency, the idea of a better Europe. So to put Europe back on basic primitive values, the peaceful coexistence of peoples, the generosity, solidarity among the peoples of Europe and improve the quality of life for European citizens.
The benefits to Cyprus from the chair
A successful Cypriot presidency, taking into account the historical and geographical identity of Cyprus will mark the "majority" of Cyprus as a state - member of EU, which will bring lasting benefits and will project a positive image of Cyprus to the outside world .
Will make Cyprus a reliable, fair and responsible partner among the countries - EU members, enhancing their relationships. Same time, Cyprus will be screened internationally as a bridge of communication and cooperation between the EU political, economic and tourism with eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.
Furthermore, through the Presidency, Cypriot citizens have the opportunity to come closer to European affairs and European citizens to become better acquainted with Cyprus.Undoubtedly, this is another unique opportunity to promote Cyprus and tourist level. But visibility on a European and international history, culture and culture of Cyprus, a space and a human presence in the historical development, which has always been part of the cradle of European civilization and the emergence of European values and that are now in a position continue to contribute to further advancement.
Above, a screen succesfull Cypriot presidency will win the respect of our partners in terms of the entire state of Cyprus, both in terms of capabilities and skills and in terms of effectiveness of all institutions and services. Irrevocably, a successful Cypriot presidency will make our country a reliable active within the hard core of the Union. And, indirectly, will show that the lengthy Our political problem (the famous island) and the violent partition of our country since 1974, despite all the problems we have created does not adversely affect the obligations that we as an equal and full member EU membertowards our partners. And because we are a people struggling and trying to the success of the European ideal. And because Cyprus, historically and culturally, it was always Europe.
Certainly, the exercise of the Presidency of the EU and management of the Cyprus problem is not related to issues between them. And it will necessarily move in parallel paths. The Cyprus is not part of the agenda of the presidency. The Republic of Cyprus, through this institutional role undertaken has clear and specific commitments to diekpaireosei, involving all Member States. Acting also on behalf of the EU Council to be chaired, which will represent and whose decisions will apply. Indirectly, however, the positive impact of a successful EU presidency over to our country will have, on the positive, all the issues that concern us particularly as Cypriots.
It is clear that the success of the Cyprus EU Presidency will depend on: first, the excellent organization of the whole tournament. Secondly the dimension of "honest broker" should do it, ie, to represent correctly the Council, which is the common interests of 27 Member States, as we emerge from the decisions of 27. Third, the ability and our ability to provide political leadership in the EU and to ensure consistency and synergy between the EU institutions To speak, say, Europe through the presidency Republic of Cyprus as a voice. If we can achieve, in turn, those three goals, the Republic of Cyprus will have to act "grown up" as an EU member state
To achieve the Cypriot presidency of the EU Council is required the active involvement of all stakeholders, public and private, civil society, social partners, media and each of us as a collective guarantee of reliability and responsibility in the face of this important challenge.
For more information regarding the Cypriot presidency of the EU Council, working on website at: http://www.cy2012eu.gov.cy/
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